The following fields can be used as part of the User object, which contains all attributes in Active Directory.
The fields, along with their returned data type are found below:
- Assistant - assistant (string)
- Business Category - businessCategory (string)
- Car License - carLicense (string)
- City - l (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 1 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute1 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 2 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute2 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 3 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute3 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 4 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute4 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 5 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute5 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 6 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute6 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 7 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute7 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 8 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute8 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 9 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute9 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 10 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute10 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 11 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute11 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 12 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute12 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 13 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute13 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 14 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute14 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 15 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute15 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 16 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute16 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 17 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute17 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 18 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute18 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 19 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute19 (string)
- Cloud Extension Attribute 20 - msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute20 (string)
- Comment - comment (string)
- Common Name - commonName (string)
- Company - company (string)
- Container (string)
- Country/Region - c (string)
- Department - department (string)
- Department Number - departmentNumber (string)
- Description - description (string)
- Display Name - displayName (string)
- Distinguished Name - distinguishedName (string)
- Division - division (string)
- Employee ID - employeeID (string)
- Employee Number - employeeNumber (string)
- Employee Type - employeeType (string)
- Given Name - givenName (string)
- Home Phone - homePhone (string)
- Home Postal Address - homePostalAddress (string)
- Info- info (string)
- Initials - initials (string)
- IP Phone- ipPhone (string)
- Job Title- title (string)
- Last Name - sn (string)
- Login Script - scriptPath (string)
- Mail- mail (string)
- Manager - manager (string)
- Middle Name - middleName (string)
- Mobile - mobile (string)
- Network Access Permission - msNPAllowDialin (string)
- Office - physicalDeliveryOfficeName (string)
- Other Telephone - otherTelephone (string)
- P.O. Box - postOfficeBox (string)
- Pager - pager (string)
- Profile Path - profilePath (string)
- Proxy Addresses - proxyAddresses (string)
- State/Province - st (string)
- Street Address - streetAddress (string)
- Telephone Number - telephoneNumber (string)
- User Logon Name Number (string)
- User Logon Name Suffix - userPrincipalNameSuffix (string)
- User Principal Name - userPrincipalName (string)
- UserLogonName (string)
- Web Page - wWWHomePage (string)
- When Created - whenCreated (DateTime?)
- When Changed- whenChanged (DateTime?)
- Zip/Postal Code - postalCode (string)
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