Send Conditions

You can use send conditions to set specific criteria for triggering notifications. This is helpful when you only want to be notified when certain conditions are met. Here are a few examples:

  • Receive a notification when the sync job is completed with errors or warnings.
  • Receive a notification when the job title changes.
  • Receive a notification when the manager changes.
  • Receive a notification when a user is added to a group.
  • Receive a notification when any attribute is changed.

You can achieve all of these scenarios by using variables or special methods.


The IsIncompleteOrHasErrorsOrWarnings constant can be referenced to check if the sync process has been completed and if there are any errors or warnings.

The IsIncompleteOrHasErrorsOrWarnings constant will return true if the sync process did not complete or if there were any errors or warnings.

This constant is only available in on-complete notifications and is accessed through the field selector under the Process category.


You want to send a notification if there was a problem with the sync process. Set the Send Condition expression to: 


This expression states that the notification will only be sent only if the sync process does not complete or if errors or warnings are encountered.



The AttributeChanged method can be referenced to check if a specific attribute has changed.

This special method is accessed through the field selector under the Constants category.

Please note that that, when using this method, we reference the [target-system]


You want to send a notification if the title attribute has changed. Set the Send Condition expression to: 


This expression states the notification will only be sent if the job title attribute changes. 


You want to send a notification if the manager attribute has changed. Set the Send Condition expression to:  


This expression states the notification will only be sent if the manager attribute changes. 


You want to send a notification if any attribute has changed. Set the Send Condition expression to:  


This expression states that the notification will only be sent if any attributes change.



The AddedToGroup method can be referenced to check if the user has been added to a specific group.

This special method is accessed through the field selector under the Constants category.

You want to send a notification if the user has been added to the Associates group. Set the Send Condition expression to: 


This expression states the notification will only be sent if the user was added to the Associates group.

Just so you know, you must provide the full [target-system] for the group we are checking.



The RemovedFromGroup method can be referenced to check if the user has been removed from a specific group.

This special method is accessed through the field selector under the Constants category.

You want to check if the user has been removed from the Associates group. Set the Send Condition expression to: 


This expression states the notification will only be sent if the user was removed from the Associates group.

Just so you know, you must provide the full [target-system] for the group we are checking.


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